Flexibility is our priority, so all our programmes can be delivered on Zoom or in-person, at times suitable for you.

Our bespoke results-driven programmes are delivered by skilled coaches to give your team simple strategies for improved performance – both mentally and physically. Our comprehensive approach to optimising health, performance, and state of mind incorporates the most scientifically-advanced strategies. From sports psychology to nutrition, and fitness to mindset training, our aim is to get your team performing at their peak.

Signature Peak Performance 

Our signature Peak Performance class combines cardio, functional mobility and core strengthening to deliver a re-energising full body workout that ticks all the boxes. With a focus on accessing a “flow state” – where you’re totally absorbed by and deeply focused on the movement itself - your team will experience what it’s like to be completely in the zone, gaining heightened awareness and a clearer, less distracted mind. 

Perform Yoga

Calm the mind and re-energise the body with a playful moving meditation guided by one of our expert yoga teachers. Stretch out tired and tight muscles while toning every part of the body as you flow through varied stress-reducing Vinyasa sequences. Expect to feel rejuvenated, calm, and an increase in focus. 

Perform Pilates

Build resilience and strength by practicing the art of controlled movements in our Pilates classes. Guided by one of our hand-picked, fully accredited Pilates teachers, these classes focus on building core strength, reducing back pain, increasing strength and flexibility while toning the entire body.

Perform HIIT

Boost blood flow and brain function with some high intensity training. Our 45 minute HIIT class boosts metabolism and increases heart rate through short, sharp bursts of movement. One of our expert personal trainers will put your team through their paces with intervals of cardio and bodyweight conditioning exercises to a motivating high-energy playlist. 

Over time, you’ll start to see a fitter, stronger, more collaborative team and an increase in concentration and memory retention. 

Perform Meditation

Rest up and recharge with our office meditation classes, designed to decrease stress levels and increase focus. When the mind goes to the future, you quit performing at your best. Meditation teaches employees how to stay present and get quiet in order to function optimally. 

Want to dive deeper? Our 8 Weeks To Mindfulness programme will take your employees through practices and strategies proven to boost mental wellbeing, increase their ability to stay present and enhance emotional intelligence. 

Perform Yoga Nidra

The perfect remedy for a lunchtime pick-me-up, yoga nidra (also known as yogic sleep) involves a slow, guided relaxation practice to induce a deep physical, mental and emotional rest. 

Just one hour of yoga nidra has been shown to be as restorative as six hours of deep sleep, with participants moving through alpha, beta, theta and even delta brain waves. Expert to see a decrease in anxiety, insomnia, stress levels, chronic pain and an increase in awareness, focus and positivity. 

8 Weeks to Mindfulness 

This 8-week mindfulness programme teaches participants the tools and techniques to develop their own Mindfulness practice. Mindfulness can help relieve stress, treat heart disease, lower blood pressure, reduce chronic pain, improve sleep, and alleviate gastrointestinal difficulties. 

Aside from the physical benefits, mindfulness training significantly improved visuo-spatial processing, working memory and executive functioning whilst improving focus and cognitive flexibility.