Performance-driven Programmes for an optimised workforce

Optimal health, for optimal growth. 

The way we see it, employee gains are company gains. A more engaged, energised workforce means a greater output for your business – and a higher staff retention rate. 

Workplace benefits must mean more than dress-down Fridays and discounted lunches. Your employees deserve to have laser-sharp focus, mental clarity, relentless energy, and a strong, flexible body - not backache, tight hips, and stress-related insomnia. 

When you partner with us, we equip your team with the tools they need to take full control of their health, mindset, and performance. Our targeted, flexible programs combine science-backed health practices with functional movement, teaching your employees how to thrive both in and outside the workplace. 

Our Mission

Our mission is to transform the tech industry by empowering leaders to prioritise employee well-being, using our proven 5-step methodology to embed wellness into the DNA of every tech company.

Our Vision

A world where wellness is woven into the fabric of every tech company, fuelling happier, healthier, and more productive employees.

  • Scalable Benefits

    For all shapes and sizes - We help small teams get big benefits for a tiny price. Big teams get scalable, time and tax efficient benefits and support.

  • Flexible By Design

    Available worldwide, wherever your team may be, we’re able to connect you with the very best coaches in the industry.

  • Bespoke Programmes

    From biohacking to yoga, our bespoke range of unique programmes and workshops cover all aspects of your team’s wellbeing and performance.

  • Performance Insights

    Your employees can monitor their journey and success across a number of wellbeing and performance metrics on our personalised portal.

What’s your workplace wellness score?

The Workplace Wellness Scorecard is a web-based evaluation tool that assesses your organisation's overall well-being.



 Are you an employer?

Give your teams freedom and choice. Our programmes give businesses a way to create a flexible, inclusive, comprehensive, engaging, cost-effective support programme.